OWNERSHIP: What Do You Own?

So much of our identity as human beings, we often think, is based on "what we own."  So many of us are rooted and grounded in that. We believe that "who we are" literally means "what we have", that is, what we possess, material things. The more we "have" (things), the more we can boast, the more successful we think we are, the more superior than those around us we think we are. The idea of ownership, being the Owner of something, makes us feel powerful. It's intoxicating. We can feel real "puffed up" even if we own just two little things, an expensive car and a home.  Oh, let me add expensive jewelry, clothing and money for the record. For many of us having these things can make us think and feel that we have arrived. Actually looking at these possessions so monumentally, seems meager and pitiful in a way. The "possessions" that we own and are so proud of, are  usually "possessing" us.  

Truthfully speaking, we all know, that everything that glitters is not gold.  Many of those who have these "possessions" are some of the most unhappiest people in the world. The testimonies and tragedies of some of the most celebrated and wealthiest people in the world proclaim this. We've heard it said a million times that true happiness comes from within, and it is true!

My question is, how do we, on a very practical level,  take Ownership of our daily lives.  So many of us do not feel that we own our lives. We feel that we being dragged around by Life.  We are either robots, victims, or observers outside of ourselves. We are not at the helm of our lives, creating the flow and bearing witness to the results that line up with our thoughts, hopes and dreams.  In most cases, we are waiting for something. Holding our breaths. Waiting for that "one thing" that is going to tip the cup. The lottery, the Man or Woman, the right conditions, right relationships, the right "something" that will turn things on like a light switch.  Well....you might get old waiting for it. 

I've embraced the truism that Success is obtained in small steps. Our daily choices, habits, plans, and speaking is fundamentally preceded by one very important thing, our thoughts.  Most of us have heard everything in the world about how to control, tame, and manage our thoughts. There are so many philosophies, religions, books, and technologies on the subject that it is mind boggling.  And because calming and quieting our minds often seems so impossible, like trying to grasp the wind in our hands, many of us have resigned from the task.

Today I have an offering.  You can take Ownership of your Life right now! What I am about to say, may seem overly simplistic, however I do believe by taking  seemingly small, baby steps, you can achieve a fulfilling, satisfying life. Two of the most important actions  that you can take to lead yourself on the path to true Ownership of your Life are at the vortexes of your daily life; at the very beginning and the very end of your day! How you start it and how you finish it!  

Take this moment, this day, to dwell upon, how you start your day and then on how you finish it. You may be astonished. Look at it with a microscope. Think about the moment you open your eyes. What do you do? Do you jump up and tear off, to enter the rat race for the day before you can even think? Do you immediately drag your yesterday into today by immediately picking up where you left off with your thoughts, feelings and interactions with everybody and everything from your children to your boss and co-workers? Or do you Give Thanks and give yourself a moment to show Gratitude to God for "brand new mercies" - a new day? Do you begin your morning "beat-up" of yourself as you begin brushing your teeth and looking at the face in the mirror that you don't really look at nor see? Or do you set your day, like you would set a clock, declaring the feeling you will have that day, the way you will treat others that day, the way you can make others, even your family (those you live with) encouraged and happy in starting their day.  Don't think that by so doing that you are doing them a favor. You are actually Blessing yourself and your day to come!  There are many questions that I could continue to ask you but I think you can take it from here. 

The point is that it is time for you to take Ownership of  the most important thing there is, your Life. You can begin the process daily, by paying attention to your first innermost thoughts as soon as you open your eyes in the morning and come into your right mind. I did not say, as soon as your rise or get up. The first step in taking ownership is to take "a moment" to acknowledge the new day. Become aware of your brand new self on this brand new day. Begin the process of setting your day according to the happiness, productivity and success that you expect to "possess" in it. Then as you begin your day, watch the beauty of it unfold! Perhaps tomorrow we can talk about the evening, the night!

I Am QueenNE


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