BeYouTy Becomes Legacy!

I am very excited to re-enter the stage and to continue sharing with you from the majestic landscape of "BeYouTy". It's been about a year and a half since I have written here.  Not to be cliche', but "where did the time go"? One thing that usually gets in the way of starting is starting. Ideally, you want to have a map of how you will approach everything and lay it out completely. What I have come to learn about myself is that I simply do not operate that way. I have self-integrity. I will get it done ultimately.  I always have the concept and vision in my Soul and Spirit, before I start. What it becomes however, is "my  glorious journey." I have always lived on the "revelation" and daily "discovery" road. At the end of the day, when I reflect on my accomplishments in life thus far, I usually say, "not too bad."  I am content.

As I am now in what some call "legacy years". Indeed I am looking forward to sharing my lessons and experience from this "be-you-t-full" life of mine.  When I sit and reflect on where I started from to where I am now, I am always compelled to say, "I have a beautiful life."  Whether it has been barely having carfare, having to create a gourmet meal from my pantry food, decorating my house with thousands of dollars which have been divinely provided for me, or traveling far away to my dream exotic country by God's Grace, I am grateful.  Through it all I have evolved my ethos, my life vibration.  It resonates to a realm many call, "Queen".  Yes, I am QueenNE!  Today I sit, I write and I open my mouth to Speak; a mandate given to me by the Holy Spirit some years ago.   I welcome you to join me on this journey! My desire is to Bless you! So, here I am and here I go! Stay tuned!


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