Wow, it feels really good to FINALLY begin writing.  It has been my hearts desire to write and share my thoughts for a long time.  As the years have rolled by it has become an incessant nagging in my mind, spirit and soul.  Today marks the beginning of the journey of my mind.  It took me so long to begin because I wanted to write "in order".  I wanted to write, but I wanted the writing to follow a script that would translate into a book.  I wanted the topics to all correlate and flow into one continuous movement.  Perfect order!  How funny is that.  It reminds me of a saying that I heard and repeat quite often:  "Man plans and God directs."  You know...while we have everything carefully planned "Life happens"; we get "interrupted" we "go off course".  So, I have put aside my fantasy of perfection.  I will speak to you from my heart and soul.  My heart is so full of things that I want to say to you (and mostly to myself too); to explore and inquire with you.  It comes from my experiences, thoughts, visions and dreams.  There are many topics to be discussed.  I hope you are open because I am.  Right now, I open my heart, soul and mind to you.  Our journey together begins today! 

"Coming Clean"

The topic coming from my heart today is the word "Clean".  As this word appeared in my thoughts I heard Niecy from the show "Clean House" saying her infamous words "I am going in!"  Then I heard Fred Hammond say "Give Me A Clean Heart (so I can serve nobody but you Lord)".  So as I begin the re-invention of myself the first thought that comes in is one of "Cleaning Up".  I say...yes.  One of the first steps that one must take in the process of re-inventing oneself is cleaning up.  Yes, Niecy...I am going in! because the kind of cleansing that needs to take place first and foremost is on the inside (the inner woman).  As I look around the rooms of my innermost being (my house), to take stock of what needs to be cleaned, I think about my thoughts.  I ask myself, what are the quality of my thoughts?  What do I think about the most on a daily basis?  And what about my heart Fred?  How clean is my heart?  Is it focused on God and doing His Will or is it focused on Man: my relationships with people.  Am I thinking about and perpetuating the disagreements between myself and whomever, the money that I lust, filling the emptiness inside by seeking a Man, having sex or building an empire?  As I think about being clean its best friend enters the room, ORDER!  I realize that cleaning my house means getting my house in order.  That makes me take it to a physical level, which is actually ground zero.  I know that if my house is in disarray, if fundamentally everything in my house does not have a place in which it belongs and that I have not put it there, then yes...I need to literally get my house in order.  So today I am excited to begin the process and everyday I will continue to take actions towards getting my physical house in order as I pay attention to and listen to the inner God woman speak to me about the deeper issues of "house cleaning".  I know, honor and respect the principle that "everything is a process" so I will have compassion with myself while I hold myself to account in my intention to be diligent in the process of "cleaning house."  

I Love You & as always...Stay BeYouTFull!
Lovingly I am, Nekhena the NewBein' Queen

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  1. I love your concept of "cleaning house" as a starting point for reinventing yourself. I am on a similar quest to find the new me. As I embark on this journey I will heed your words above. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

    --Konajah Joy

  2. You are so welcome Queen. Stay BeYouTfull!


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