Tyrannized by What? You wouldn’t believe.

In my daily reading I was struck by these words I read in the Scripture (Message Bible). It spoke about being “tyrannized by what you want” in life. It made me pause to reflect. 

I thought, probably if most of us looked closely at our lives, for most of the things that we desire / want (normal things); we have received them. How many of us have looked back at ourselves once we obtained “the thing” we wanted and said, I should have been just a little more patient because, it came. It happened.

Haven’t you noticed that “it” will come, “it” will happen. More times than not, the things we fiend, obsess and worry over and about, usually work out. They actually come to pass.  It’s not that it doesn’t happen. It’s really a matter of how long it takes to happen.  For most of us, when it comes to what we want, the answer to that question of “how long? is TOO LONG!

Perhaps we need to reframe our Minds, make the adjustment, so that how we gauge the space between what we want and when we get it is okay. How about that, whenever we get it, it’s simply okay. We accept it fully and wholeheartedly. We are grateful. When we do this, we have entered the gateway of Trust. The distance between wanting and getting is trusting. Therein lies the act of being patient.

Nobody is saying that it is easy to be patient. But think about it, what is really easy in life.  The whole notion of life being easy is a very grand fantasy.  Nothing is usually easy, that’s not the way life goes.  Most things require a process, which equals time. Things not being easy doesn’t by default equate to things being hard.  It’s not an either – or issue.  It just is what it is. I guarantee you that what happens will absolutely take however long it takes. In the meantime, being consumed by the thoughts of what we want so badly is counterproductive.  It doesn’t help anything, at all.  After all of the stomping, pouting, kicking, complaining and being upset and angry; wasted hours of mental and emotional energy, guess what? Nothing changed. You still have to wait.  What choice do you have? On second thought, you do have another choice. You can give up. You can actually say, forget about it. But who wants to do that!


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