
Showing posts from 2014

Requiem For A Natural Hair Icon,,,

Requiem For A Natural Hair Icon: Our Sister Since learning of the death of Titi Branch, the co-founder of Miss Jessie's hair care products, a "Natural Hair Icon" in my book, there has been a heaviness dwelling in my heart and Spirit.  It has compelled me to write this "letter".  This occurrence I call a "selah" moment (from The Bible) meaning a "pause and reflect" moment.   As a Master Pioneer in the natural hair industry who has contributed to paving the way for "natural hair" Love , my first thoughts beyond the pure sadness in my heart was, "be careful what you ask for" . For although I have been in the Natural Hair industry creating phenomenal products and events for the past 30 years,  I never got the BIG DEAL like Carol's Daughter or Miss Jessie's. Many of my customers, friends and loved ones (like myself)    f elt  that I / New Bein' was deserving of it. didn't happen. I though...


I am proud to introduce my new  VLOG: As you know by now creating Hair Jewelry  has been a big part of my life's work and passion.  So... I am going to share this world with you "in person!".  My ultimate goal is to post 3 times a week;  Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Today I commence this endeavor.  I am excited to share with you.  Click on my " Introduction" below.  Please share, like, subscribe... ALSO...please send me your questions or comments.  I especially want to answer your questions.  Thank You for support and encouragement.  I hope you get value out of it! THE SCHOOL OF LOC & HAIR ADORNMENT

Glorious Grace

Grace is one of those beautiful words which kindles images of ancient glories, Queens, and of the most beautiful dancers.  I have had this very strong feeling to write about Grace lately, as it has become one of the most important and significant principles in my Life.  Like many, I had a very casual and even perhaps infantile understanding of this concept of "Grace".  My first recollections of it came from my childhood upbringing in which I was simply taught to "say Grace" before eating.  The only other references to grace were the occasional references to someone being graceful in the way they physically moved. Even today to hear one speak of someone's "graciousness" is rare. Grace in its fullest and highest understanding is profound when you mature up to it and it is revealed to you.  In the spiritual sense, it is so deep and ever present in our lives that, like the wind or the air we breathe we can't see it so we just take it for granted....

A Secret to A Fulfilling Life

Something has been ruminating in my Spirit for a while now.  It is a subject that continually comes into my daily life and into the lives of others that I observe.  It is a universal and perpetual conversation of humanity. I believe it is something that we all reckon with until we leave here. What is it you ask?  It is the concept of   "the process". It is spoken of very matter-of- factly by most.  As we go through personal trials and tribulations, feelings of doubt, challenges, not understanding...Life, we usually comfort ourselves with the notion and satisfaction that well, "Life is a is a process." The depth of this concept however is really profound if you are trying to grasp it and work powerfully with it.  We all know the cliches'...the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step...the race is given not to the swift but to the one that endures to the end, etc. On the court (in Life) however, it is a lot easier said...

GENESIS: Your Beginning

There is one thing that anyone would want in a time of emergency like when there’s a “blackout” -  that is, a “generator”.  A generator turns on the power and sustains a source of light and electricity sufficient to run everything within your home.  Most of the time, we go through our daily lives and only think about a “generator” when disaster or an emergency strikes.  This is much akin to how we live our personal lives. What are you generating? What do you generate on a daily basis? There is a living power source within all of us which is available for us to tap into every day of our lives.  As human beings we have the ability “to generate” the kind of life we want to live.  We express this primarily in how we think and speak; our thoughts and words.  These in effect create our reality.   First thing in the morning, when you arise, what do you generate? What are your first thoughts?  Are you a subject or a victim of whatever sh...

Liquidation Sale @ New Bein' at

Happy New You! Make a video - it's fun, easy and free!

New Year: Think Evolution not Resolution

I took this title from a local newspaper that I found on a subway seat last week and thought it was most awesome!   We are in the most auspicious time of any given year; the first of, the beginning of, the new year. As a human family we have started a tradition of "making New Year's Resolutions."  By now, that phrase carries the same unhealthy dose of cynicism and sarcasm as most things left to humanity. My thoughts around this idea of "Evolution rather than Resolution" moves quickly toward the axiom that "change is not an event - it is a process" and so it is.  I am wondering as we are coming near the end of this month of (re)newal, (re)constituting, (re)solving, that perhaps it is not about "re" anything.  Maybe it is about becoming acutely aware of what is important to us and what our priorities are in a very real, tangible and pragmatic way; not the lofty, glorious, hard to reach, idealistic goals that we usually set up for ourselves w...

My Yestermony: Reflections on 2013

Reflecting on 2013… it’s about 5 hours from the New Year, 2014. I have long given up and outgrown the drinking, club hopping, being out in the world with stranger’s years.  For the last decade and better I usually attend “Watch Night” services at my church.  I love it…it’s about gratitude, community, acknowledgment and Blessing God for all that He has done for you, all that’s He’s brought you through.  It's about the Grace and Mercy that you have been granted for things that would have, should or could have happened to you.  It is rejoicing, celebrating, worshiping and feeling safe…at home…a part of something greater than yourself. I am not going out tonight though.  It’s one of those years where I will "be" the church and have church at home. 2013… I am having a little bit of a struggle trying to describe it.  Usually I look for a word that seems to highlight the tone and movement of the year.  The first word that showed up for me was “transitiona...