Glorious Grace

Grace is one of those beautiful words which kindles images of ancient glories, Queens, and of the most beautiful dancers.  I have had this very strong feeling to write about Grace lately, as it has become one of the most important and significant principles in my Life.  Like many, I had a very casual and even perhaps infantile understanding of this concept of "Grace".  My first recollections of it came from my childhood upbringing in which I was simply taught to "say Grace" before eating.  The only other references to grace were the occasional references to someone being graceful in the way they physically moved. Even today to hear one speak of someone's "graciousness" is rare.

Grace in its fullest and highest understanding is profound when you mature up to it and it is revealed to you.  In the spiritual sense, it is so deep and ever present in our lives that, like the wind or the air we breathe we can't see it so we just take it for granted. Grace is a gift.  We are given it every time we live and not die.  Grace is freely given and it's given to everyone.  In this way it is proactive, always ahead of us.  It allows for everything and withholds nothing.  It keeps us from many dangers seen and unseen by its protection. It instructs us and tells us when to be kind,  urges us to forgive or causes us to acknowledge and praise others.  Grace is revealed especially  in how we carry ourselves; how we walk through Life.  Do we walk graciously? that is, gently and not hard, easy to forgive, quick to admit when we are wrong or to say I'm sorry.  Every time you show Mercy toward another for whatever reason, Grace has come.

Grace soars with Gratitude.  They actually are one. When you have a grateful heart for every little thing that happens in your Life, Grace abounds.  When you see Grace's hand as the Hand of God and not your own, you have entered into the realms of blessings and even more Grace.  We don't know how we got here; how we even came to be here on this earth.  We don't know what spares us from Cancer, or sorrows and challenges that others have that we don't.  What allows one to survive a horrific event and thousands of others to die.  What gives us the favor? Well...  Grace is also favor.  She says...YOU are my favorite; my favored one and therefore I Bless You; I bring forth the desires of your heart. Don't worry, I got you.  And I will not charge you anything;  I give of myself freely, without reservation or hesitation.  

But guess what?  Nothing is free, not even the air you breathe.  You must use your heart, chest and lungs to pull it in.  And so...Grace is free but she would love to receive acknowledgment and honor from you because she will always Honor you, regardless.

Today in my "mid-life" years, I recognize Grace. I see Grace.  I Honor Grace.  I Live for Grace.  I Give Grace; I Give Thanks not just at the table, but in every waking moment that I am able to.  Being human, we sometimes forget to acknowledge the Grace we have in our lives.  We  must practice seeing Grace beyond more than an occasional, fleeting awareness.  I practice having Grace, being gracious, and full of Grace even as I expect to receive Grace (unmerited favor).  I know that Grace comes from God. God's Grace is Glorious!  I will never let a day go by that I am not grateful for and present to the Grace that is over my life; covering me, saving me, forgiving me, providing for me, in spite of everything.   If you want to have a graciously, glorious life just remember:

Grace is not something you's a way of Life.

Stay BeYouTFull, 


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