GENESIS: Your Beginning
There is one thing that anyone
would want in a time of emergency like when there’s a “blackout” - that is, a
“generator”. A generator turns on the
power and sustains a source of light and electricity sufficient to run everything within your home. Most
of the time, we go through our daily lives and only think about a “generator”
when disaster or an emergency strikes.
This is much akin to how we live our personal lives.
What are you generating? What do
you generate on a daily basis? There is a living power source within all of us
which is available for us to tap into every day of our lives. As human beings we have the ability “to
generate” the kind of life we want to live.
We express this primarily in how we think and speak; our thoughts and words. These in effect create our reality.
First thing in the morning, when
you arise, what do you generate? What are your first thoughts? Are you a subject or a victim of whatever
shows up on the landscape of your mind? Like yesterday’s leftovers or todays
fears? Or are you an Artist who creates an image of what you desire and envision? If you are a subject, God help you if
you stub your toe getting out of the bed or wake up late. You're going down (for the entire day)! Do you allow yourself to be bombarded and
overwhelmed with what lies ahead? Are
you at a loss of power even before you get out of your bed or out of your
house? Do you first take time to Give
Thanks for another day and then proceed to creating the kind of energy
you will fill yourself up with and generate as you go through your day? Do you put on your “spiritual” garb? Your “mental” armor - to protect your thoughts, your
shoes - to guide your feet on the “right path”, your helmet - to maintain the positive
thoughts that you will imbibe and offer to others that you come into contact
with? That is being “generous”.
Beside “generosity” the word “generate”
is intimately related to the word “genesis” or "beginning". You have the freedom to be in “Genesis” - to
create by the thoughts you think and the words you speak, how your day is going
to go. Now, this is not to say that you
will not be confronted with the mundane trials of life i.e. the husband or mate
you may argue with in the morning, the child who upsets you, the people pushing
on the train, the inconsiderate or disrespectful co-worker, the unsympathetic
boss ….ad infinitum. The challenges that
we face as we move through our day will occur. The question is, “who are you
going to be about it?” Who are you constituting or generating yourself to be in spite of it?
There are many bonuses that come
along with generating yourself. I call it
“the begetting principle”; that is, "what you generate is what you be
getting"! The more you decide what it’s going
to be, the more you will experience it. The quality of interactions you have
with people will begin to align with and reflect your intentions; that which
you generate.
Do you get up any day of any week
and go out naked? I think not! You go
through daily morning rituals; you wash up, brush your teeth, put on clothes
and shoes, you eat, perhaps you drive.
It would behoove you to go out mentally and spiritually naked. Cover
yourself. Harness the power that is
lying dormant within you and generate your life. You don’t have to wait for an emergency or
crisis situation to dig into that deep hidden power. You can tap into it, work with it and use it for
the satisfaction of your soul every single day!
Loving and Living Life, Powerfully & Beautifully,
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