New Year: Think Evolution not Resolution

I took this title from a local newspaper that I found on a subway seat last week and thought it was most awesome!  
We are in the most auspicious time of any given year; the first of, the beginning of, the new year. As a human family we have started a tradition of "making New Year's Resolutions."  By now, that phrase carries the same unhealthy dose of cynicism and sarcasm as most things left to humanity. My thoughts around this idea of "Evolution rather than Resolution" moves quickly toward the axiom that "change is not an event - it is a process" and so it is.  I am wondering as we are coming near the end of this month of (re)newal, (re)constituting, (re)solving, that perhaps it is not about "re" anything.  Maybe it is about becoming acutely aware of what is important to us and what our priorities are in a very real, tangible and pragmatic way; not the lofty, glorious, hard to reach, idealistic goals that we usually set up for ourselves which tend to be  a set up for failure.  Perhaps it is the time to take a honest inventory of some basic and fundamental things about ourselves and our lives, by looking at how we "spend" our time; daily and weekly.  These are palatable quantities that would afford us true scrutiny.  Go through your week and examine how you are spending your time.  Of course, if you have a full time job that takes care of a big chunk of time...but what about the rest of "Your" time; your days off, the time you get to employ, manage and enjoy.  Is it full of mob, basketball, mafia, and Atlanta wives, "Idols" and "Stars", bad "News" from the media as soon as you get in the house and right before you go to sleep? Is everyone in your home in their respective places with barely a kind word being spoken and little to no love being shown toward one another? Are commands being barked, orders given, arguments and differences prevailing while no real or positive communication occurs? I am talking "quality" not "quantity".  After you've done everything you need to do for everyone in your "domain"; your mate, partner, husband or wife, or children,  how are you spending the remaining time (don't laugh) with (last but not least) yourself? Let's think about your weekends! You always have those and you have "holy days"(holidays) too. How are you "spending" this time?  Are you spending "your" time in a way that is fulfulling and satisfying to you? If you are on a treadmill, on automatic pilot, or feeling and acting like, same "s_it" different day, it's time to pause and reflect. 

There are two things that we can "SPEND" which are clear indicators of our priorities.  They powerfully tell us about our probable future and the possibilities of realizing our visions. They are of course, Time and Money.

In the remaining time of this first month, take some time, make some time, spend some (valuable) time, taking stock of what your priorities are as demonstrated by your "lifestyle"; how you spend your time and what you spend your money on the most. Doing this will give you a clear picture of the path you are on and whether or not it will get you to your desired destination! 

At the end of the day - you are the Author, you get to choose! Create a set of priorities for yourself, for your life, and go forward. Moving with the seemingly little elements of what is important to you in your daily life will eventually have you wake up one day and realize that you are living the life you have dreamed of! 

Loving Life…Living Life…Powerfully & Beautifully!
Honoring MLK today and always... a Man who created a vision, walked the talk, and left an everlasting legacy that would inform and inspire us!
more @ New Bein' QueenNE


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