What a powerful day!  What a glorious day! 1/1/11 - New Year's Day.  I see significance in these numbers - ones all the way through.  Symbolically, one's represent so many things...unity, integrity, strength, completion.  These auspicious numbers combined with  the start of a New Year, a new beginning, has got to be awesome. As I have spent this day in solitude, reflecting and visioning my mind upon how I would like 2011 to be and looking back on the year gone by, 2010, it is definitely about the Power Of One!  Personally, I have been stripped of many people this year and most of them were the closest people around me; both friends and family.  Don't misunderstand, I see it as a good thing.  Change...clarity...maturity...learning from the lessons of life, I respect and appreciate.  Seasons...that's one thing that I find myself acknowledging more and more these days...the seasons of Life.  The ebb and flow of people being moved out as new relationships need to come levels...which should actually be a reflection of your growth.  I honor Seasons and the changes they bring.  The beginning of the New Year including most of January and February is definitely a quiet season, an inner season, a nurturing and replenishing season.  It is a time of visioning, organizing and planning.  Of preparing for the next season of Spring. to bring forth fruit and flowers.  With all that's going on in the world  today, now more than ever, we have got to be in touch with our "one true selves."  It's the armor and strength that we need to make it.  I think many people have come to realize that there's nothing out there.  When you get tired of looking "outside" for your rescuers you eventually have to come home to Self.  You are the "one".  So I encourage you on this great and auspicious New Years Day to strengthen the one that is you.  Take time to reflect deeply upon your life.  How is it?  Are you happy with your life and the way things are going?  After all, you are the author and finisher of the story of your life.  It looks to me like fundamental changes are being called for within ourselves.  I know I am putting myself through some serious "reconstruction".  Yes, I am upgrading my life.  I am going to do whatever it takes to maintain my peace, my righteousness, my happiness, my gloriousness, my Faith, and my success.  I wish you all that your heart desires in this year and more to come.  God Bless You and yours with Health, Wisdom, Prosperity & Peace!


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