Beauty: New Beginning

So glad to be here today.  This subject has been on my mind for almost 2 weeks. I have been speaking about the auspicious season and time that we entered starting at the holiday season of Thanksgiving through the New Year.  Well, we have entered into the New Year and I  believe we are in an undeclared season.  We always hear about "Spring Cleaning" when the Spring arrives but we never hear of a "Winter Cleaning" time.  Well,  I declare this is the season of Winter Cleaning. The reason I put so much emphasis on the subject of seasons and times is because I believe we go through the motions, rituals and experiences of these seasons but not on a conscious level.  I have observed these seasons and I believe in the principle of "naming" and "identifying" patterns in life - because knowledge and awareness gives you power and choice.  "Knowing" enables and empowers you to choose how you want to handle things.  

We all know Winter as cold and quiet, a time of hibernation and solitude. It's a period of being "in"- indoors, inside.  It's a season of planning, planting and preparing for the blooming and harvest of the Spring.  Well...Winter is also a time of cleaning and cleansing.  It's a time of cleaning on all levels (the white snow reminds us of that).  It's a time, while you are inside hibernating, to clean house.  To throw out (give away) old clothes, to deeply clean up your house, i.e. discover nooks and crannies that you don't normally see i.e. dirty refrigerators, dust in the corners, greasy kitchen walls and garbages.  As a time of physical cleansing, it is also an opportune time to clean out your body; to detoxify.  To drink your herbs and teas and abstain from some of the holiday and everyday indulgences that you had.  (We all make New Year's resolutions to this end).  It's a time to clean out socially; to take inventory of your relationships.   Your friends, "so-called" friends, and family members who may be toxic i.e. crazy, negative, condemning you, connecting with you on habits that you no want to continue...Some of these people need to be cleansed from your "new life".  I know many people are uncomfortable hearing this and even moreso, doing it.  I have come to believe it is a natural part of life.  It doesn't mean judging others or putting them down, it just means creating the kind of life you want with people in it that resonate at your frequency.  This cleansing process is an acceptable and realistic part of life.  I'll call it emotional cleansing.  Finally... and most importantly in my view is spiritual cleansing.'s not any rituals to cleanse the demons out of your house.  Guess what?'s cleansing the demons within yourself.  Now..accept my apology for saying "demons"; that's quite dramatic and negative.  On a positive note, it really is cleansing your heart.  All week long I have been hearing the lyrics of a song, "Give Me A Clean Heart."  This is my prayer.  I am embracing this season as an opportunity to search my heart to find what may be unclean and ask The Lord to give me a Clean Heart.  We all have a "heart condition".  The question is what is the condition of your heart?  Don't use yourself as a reference but step outside yourself as if you were someone who knew you and in a word or sentence, how do you think they would characterize your attitude and behavior. I hear you saying, "no one can judge my heart" and you are right.  No one but God alone has that right. honest with yourself.  Your attitude and behavior are the manifestation of your heart condition.  So, what is it?  Beautiful or ugly? Stingy or Generous?  Self Righteous or Accepting? Kind or Mean-Spirited? Is it favorable or unfavorable?  Did you like what you heard (your heart say) or did you not?  If not, then go to work.  Do what you can during this wonderful Winter season to clean out your heart and renew it.  What this will do is set up the tone and quality of your entire year, perhaps even your entire life.

Beauty is truly reflected in your heart condition!  What is yours?
And as always...Stay BeYouFull!


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