Beauty...A Love Thang...Pt 1

Eros love - known as 'erotic love', is based on strong romantic feelings towards another.
Philos love - a love based on friendship between two people who share a mutual, 'give-and take' relationship.
Agape love - unconditional love that is always giving and impossible to take or be a taker. It devotes total commitment to seek your highest best no matter how anyone may respond. This form of love is totally selfless and does not change whether the love given is returned or not. This is the original and only true form of love.
With this front of me I am really thinking hard and I decide that the arena that I am speaking in is Agape Love, but I find the definition sounding really lofty, not so practical or tangible. Oftentimes I find this to be the case, it's difficult to embrace and then apply these ideals into our daily lives because they are not communicated in a real practical way. I like to make these principles and ideals practical so that I can bring them into my everyday life.
Tying my initial thoughts into the Agape sense of Love today, I am thinking about modus operandi regarding Love. How does it show up in your life on a daily basis? Are you really present to it when you see, give it, or receive? Do you acknowledge it silently or share the moment, the feeling, with the person you are experiencing it with? Do you give God glory for these beautiful daily morsels of Love? When people talk to you are they in the presence of Love? Is that how you walk? Even when you are not face to face with someone, perhaps you are on the telephone, can the person on the other end hear and feel that the place you come from is one of Love; not judgment, gossip, negativity, complaints, co-misery, or the likes? We all know that Love is a spiritual thing. So...when you show up, is the presence of Love there, emanating from you, always ready to acknowledge, applaud, listen, encourage, inspire? To actually commit to having every interaction that you have with someone, anyone, come from a space of Love. Wow, how awesome would that be? What I see is that it creates a fertile ground for more Love, happiness, peace within yourself and within the world! This I believe is a seed, the beginning of Beauty from the heart.
The best part of love is in "getting there". Most of us are not master's but should appreciate being students of love. Learning is a part of life and can be fun as well as challenging.