"BE"!  The word "be" is a small word but it's probably one of the most powerful words on the planet!  When God "be"gan creating the world He said, "let there BE"...(light, water, etc!  So it is a word of creation and authority.  In fact  as God's creations we are called: "human BEings".  And of course the word "BE" is the foundation of the word "BEautiful".

"Be-ing" has to do with a state, a condition, a real sense of identity.  The word "Be" as a prefix stands as a command;  Be-ware, Be-hold, Be-have and so on...That is the power and strength of our constitution as people and especially as women.  We are Beautiful.  We all were born beautiful. It is indeed a God given attribute.

Somewhere along the road of Life, that original knowledge of our inherent Beauty is stripped away from us by the vicissitudes of life.  We start out as children, innocent, pure and certain of ourselves and who we are.  Slowly but surely the erosion begins as society, men, our parents; people in general contribute to the negative aspect of the human condition.  In time, we no longer know who we are.  We lose the precious and fabulous identity that we were born with.

There's a distinction that I learned years ago that asks the question, Who do you say you are? and How do you define yourself?  Are you a "DO" "Have" or "BE" person?  That is, do you identify yourself by what you do? i.e. I am a Lawyer, a successful business person, a doctor (with great pride and ego of course)..... you identify yourself by what you have?  Things.. I have a fine car, a big house, jewelry....( ego again).   Of course this is not spoken or may not even be conscious.  It is how you show up to people in the world.  Finally, there is when you identify yourself by who you be?  That is who you are being to yourself first, then to your family, your community, your world!  This is where "Be-ing" lives. 

After all is said and done, we finally have to take the crust off of ourselves, dust ourselves off, stand-up and reclaim our God-given BEauty.  It is conscious, life long task that we must diligently and persistently pursue.. Our Beauty is something, that no one or no thing can take away from us!

As always...Remember...Stay BeYouTFull!
Lovingly I am, Nekhena


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