Beauty From The Heart

Today we are dealing with what I think is the foundational aspect of Beauty, that is the "heart condition".  The's the most central part of life.  It's the physical lifeline for us as human beings and equally an emotional and spiritual  lifeline in our daily lives.  The Heart is synonymous with the the principle of "Love".  Love and Beauty are two sides of a coin.  The Bible says, out of the issues of the heart, the mouth speaketh.  

In a quest to discover and realize "the beautiful life" my first question would be to ask, what is your heart condition?  We bear witness to the fact that we as human beings are "wired" for love.  Without love, we die. Even on a physical level, science has established that deprivation of love for an infant can be fatal.  The condition of one's heart is a mystery that is revealed through how a person lives and mainly how they treat others.  We are taught as children, "do unto others what you would have them do unto you", "love your neighbor as yourself".  However, as an adult when I look at how we are living i.e. how we are treating each other, I come back to the question of "what is the heart condition" what  am  I seeing?

I say, if you want to have a beautiful life, you have to "be" a beautiful person (from the inside).  I understand that times have changed and the world has gotten pretty cold, ugly and hard in many respects.  But...many of us think we are below the radar when it comes to how the condition of our heart is manifested in our relationships.  In these days and times I am often left wondering, is this person that I dealing with, perceiving and understanding their actions and behavior.  Like the ugly things we do to each other, the lying, gossiping, backstabbing, hating, negativity, uglicness, deceitfulness, betrayal, etc., Does the person really not know or lack the consciousness to realize the motivations and condition of their heart that is being revealed?  It boggles my mind.  I say, "how could this person live with themselves?  I think many of us are in denial about just how ugly, mean, nasty, viscious, etc. that we really are.  We tell ourselves and others, oh I'm just keeping it real, I'm saying what I gotta say, I am really a nice person.  I wonder if you sat in an interrogation room (with the see through mirror) and watched the people in your life talk about what kind of person you are?  What would they say?  How do you treat them?  What are you'known for? or known as?  How would it be?  Would it be in alignment with the self perception that you have?  Or would it be telling and reavealing.

Living a beautiful life is definitely correlated to your "heart condtion."  I think it's time for many of us to take a good, hard look at this.  Make an honest assessment about the true condition of your heart as measured by others, not by you.  You could actually take a personal inventory and ask a few of the main people in your to give you their honest opinion.  Perhaps, six things that they would use to describe you, 3 positive and 3 negative.  Can you take it?  Are you willing?  Will you receive what they say without justifying and denying it?  Will you become argumentative?  Will you scratch them off your friends list?  I recommend that you open up yourself to receive it fully, with an open mind and heart, without comment and judgment.  Just receive it.  Perhaps it's time for you to have "open heart surgery" and make the choice to live a loving, heartfelt, genuine beautiful life from the inside/out!


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