I want to start out today by stating my basic theme in this blog because I am questioning myself about how my writing is connected to this blog theme.  I gave up trying to put my thoughts in order, but I do know that they all related to my purpose, which is to explore what constitutes a beautiful life?  Creating a beautiful life/style, HAVING a beautiful life and mainly about  BE- ing beautiful!

The word that has struck me and always resonates very strongly with me is "PURSUIT".  This may have originated in my childhood because many of the 3 hour movie sagas that we watched always had some kind of pursuit in them.  I guess it was kind of romanticized and mysterious.  I know one romanticized version of the pursuit heavily emphasized  in the movies was usually "a man pursuing a woman" or "the good guy pursing the bad guy".   As an adult  it has been more like a drone around things like "pursuing a career" and more generically, "pursuing your goals".  So the word "pursuit" is quite dramatic.  Not too long ago Will Smith did a movie called "The Pursuit of Happiness."  and boy did that send chills up my spine.  Wow, now that's a concept, that's deep. This type of pursuit is more in the realm of my thinking.

I ask myself and I ask you, "what are your pursuits?" "what are your pursuing".  Is it a trivial pursuit?  Are you looking to find satisfaction in people and things?  I think one way to gauge it is to examine what occupies your mind most; what kind of thoughts and about what?  Moreso, what actions are you doing consistently?  habitually?  Isolated actions or events seem to be meaningless, but when you but in the context of time spent over months or years, you will get a more realistic picture.  One very important skill that I have learned over the years is like a game we used to play as kids, "connect the dots".  I don't think we are really trained in this society to readily discern patterns i.e. understanding and acknowledging how little acts constitute a pattern in a very short time. 

I know everybody wants "the good life."  Whether it's a crackhead, a ghetto fabulous diva, a college student, pre-teenager, hood-rat, thug, church woman, corporate man, or whatever.  We all want it and believe that we deserve it.  My question is this:  what actions are you taking that would make this desire a reality?  What are you / we actually pursuing?  Is a man or woman that you want to complete you?  an undying love?  a corporate ladder that will take you to the top?  a mansion?  an expensive car?  real estate?   what?

Now let me ask you this:  what have you done to work on your inner being, your inner man/woman to make yourself a vessel capable of  having and holding your dreams?  We all got issues...I got got issues....Trust, they are going to get in your way.  Are you pursuing your personal development, the re-newing of your mind, the handling of your childhood issues that continually surface, your spirituality, your emotionality, your peace, your joy?  Are you in therapy (I know that is frowned upon in our community), are you in a support group, are you reading self-help books and making new practices for yourself, do you go to church, do you belong a  spiritual community of fellowship, do you fast, do you cleanse  and purfiy your body, do you workout, do you have a mentor...Are you "pursuing the things that would make you able and ready to receive "the good life".  Lest you gain it and lose it in a matter of time.  Are you pursuing excellence, growth, peace?  or do you expect these things to come upon you naturally, magically as time goes by and you age and "mature"?  Will it just come to you or will you pursue it?  This BeYouTFull Life that we are seeking / pursuing: comes from the inside / out!  Are you on your journey....your real pursuit?  What are you in pursuit of?

Love you Always...Nekhena....Stay BeYouTFull!


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