INTERRUPTIONS: Enter Eruptions

I planned to write about "transitions" today, but something else showed up.  I had two "interruptions" this morning, one woke me up out of my sleep, the other came after my morning devotion, as I was about to begin write this blog.

These were two interruptions of the same kind, but there are two very different types of interruptions in Life. It is an important distinction to know that all interruptions are not the same.  I think one of the most important tools we can get in life skills, is the ability to manage "enter/eruptions", because like the saying; life happens while we are planning our lives.  For many of us, it feels like Life is really a series of interruptions. Our intentions, goals and plans always seem to  get interrupted; at least that is what we explain to others about why we are not progressing as we thought we would.  Well, if that is the case, it would behoove us to not really discern what is happening when we "get" interrupted.

Interruption occurs when we are in the midst of our routine, involved in an activity or conversation and "something or someone" cuts in and breaks into it; sounds like a "robbery" huh! And... it could be! You are feeling focused, at one, concentrating, thinking, being, acting and boom... here comes the interruption.  Inherent in the interruption is the element of surprise; it is always unexpected.  Now the moment of choice has come.  In a nanosecond, you have to discern whether it is a "divine" interruption, that is, something that deserves your time and attention at the moment, something worthy of being stopped for. Or,  is it a "demonic" (just kidding) interruption (enter/eruption); a "cause" entering to provoke an "eruption" in your life and in your Spirit. You have a nanosecond to decipher and decide, how you will treat the interruption. What a powerful nanosecond!  This almost imperceptible moment calls for a "power tool" in your life kit.  

Today, my first "interruption" was a dear Sister friend, whom I had fell out of fellowship with. Someone who I have known and loved over decades.  When she called me early this morning and awakened out of my sleep, "my heart" knew and felt the love, that was present and calling. I embraced this interruption and decided to receive and give love, and also to be totally, really present to our conversation. That is, I wasn't thinking about anything between us from the past, speculating on what I thought was happening in the moment, because I was too busy "being" in the moment. I also was not projecting our future from this point on in our relationship. I would define this as a "divine" interruption.

The second interruption was also a "divine" one.  I received a, "I need to talk to someone" call, from one of my "daughters"; a first year student at Howard University. When I picked up the phone, I immediately "knew" this was worthy of my mind, heart and soul; however long it took.

Unfortunately, there are other types of interruptions, which are not "life-giving". They always come through "people"; the currency of our social exchange.  People are so diverse and are motivated by so many "things", that it would be exhausting to try to list them.  You know them very well, I'm sure. I'll give you a few examples however. The first might be the selfish interruption; someone having a never-ending "I" or "me" conversation (with themselves really). Another might be the complaining interruption; someone that is committed to complaining but not committed to doing anything to change things. Finally, I give you the "hater" or "crab in the barrel" that is trying to obstruct or hinder your progress. The list is endless. The commonality in all of them is the negativity and distraction that they bring. The result of these kinds of interruptions is that they can cause you to "erupt". They cause you to come out of yourself, divert your attention, get on somebody else's agenda, and sometimes to explode.

One of the Scriptures that I love tells us to "guard our hearts and minds". From my book of Life, 101, you must learn to discern "interruptions" and deal with them accordingly.  Interruptions in and of themselves are not all bad. They can add to your life or take away from it. You have the power to determine which it will be. At the end of the day, if you consider life to be precious and you value yours, then you will become masterful at determining if you will allow them by saying, "enter/eruptions" or graciously decline the invitation. Or, you can honor "divine" interruptions and appreciate that these are really the stuff of Life.

I Bless You,


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