Don't Just Say Your Grace, BE Grace! This Season

In this most auspicious and sacred time of year, so much is going on in every dimension of our lives; mentally, emotionally, spiritually and yes financially.  It is the deepest, most intense time of the year for most of us. It is a concentrated time for being with family and friends which are the cornerstone relationships of life. As always, as we stand at the entrance of this season we will have to confront the interior terrains of our lives. We have to deal with brokenness, disenfranchisement, and a lack of fellowship within our families.  We will have to make tough decisions about who we will break bread with, who can sit at the table, who is uninvited, who is banned and who is damned.  We have to determine whether we will forgive for the sake of the holidays; if we are willing to be in the company of our loved ones; even if we will make up (so that we can get Christmas presents). Many of us have to deal with loss. The loss of our mother, father, child, sister, brother, grandparent, husband, wife, lover or friend who is no longer with us. We feel it quite deeply.  We all know that during this cherished season, we want to feel loved and that we belong. We want to be included, invited, and appreciated. We yearn for a sense of family and community.  If you  are feeling anxious, depressed, angry or dreading the impending holidays, there is something very sweet and comforting available to you. It's called GRACE.

Most of us, who don't "say Grace" before eating a meal anymore, will gladly look forward to Grace being said over our Thanksgiving meal. We will honor one of our elders or a Pastor, to kindly say Grace before anyone dares to eat. But Grace is so much more.

In the Christian tradition (to which I belong), Grace is the unmerited favor of God. In our lives, it means the same thing. When we look over someone for acting up or showing out, when we pardon loved ones, and forgive them, we are offering  Grace.  When we choose to not be offended by another's words or behavior and  not indulge them but deny retaliation with words from our mouths, we are showing Grace. Actually, we are "being" Grace or gracious.  Taking an opportunity during this season to heal wounds that are slowly eating away at the fabric of our relationships, especially within the family, is available at the hands of Grace.

Today, Grace as a word is used quite sparingly and narrowly. It has been essentially narrowed down to eating. I remember growing up, how folks would admire when a woman carried herself with Grace. They would talk about her graceful walk and carriage.  It represented a presence and and air of dignity and elegance.  It also denoted one's character. Grace was a high state of being. Grace still abides in this place, standing above our humanity, our human frailties. Grace exists when someone decides to be the bigger one that deals with the issue, takes the heat, anger or whatever comes in order to save something. It doesn't engage the infraction, it handles it with Grace. Grace is that place of love that can't wait to hug the guilty party after all is said and done.  Grace usually walks with a companion called Peace. Grace exists in the heights. It  looks beyond fault to a future that is possible. It is a freedom which will no longer tolerate self-inflicted bondage. It longs to soar. That's why we like to look at birds flying graciously in the sky soaring above it all.

As we approach this season of Gratitude, beginning with Thanksgiving Day, let us invite Grace into the family, the room, the space. Let us hold on tightly to the hand of Grace as we go through a tough and sometimes loud, threatening and ugly encounter with our loved ones.  The space before Grace enters can be extremely difficult but we must go through it to enter into her gates. What I know, trust and believe, is that it is always worth it. Like forgiveness, it is a balm to your soul. You can walk forward in peace when you have allowed Grace to come through you and have her way.  This is my prayer for you, even as it is my prayer for myself at the ushering in of this glorious season; to realize that "there but for the Grace of God go I."

Graciousness and Gratitude to All this year!
Lovingly, I Am


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