I was going to begin by saying Beauty is not born, it is created, but then I thought again.  Actually, we are born beautiful!  God...The beautifully and wonderfully made us and that's the beginning and end of it.  As one even considers challenging this notion.  As young children we are able to hold on this reality; young children are still yet beautiful. As time goes on however...the older we get...shamefully and sorrowfully... we are robbed of our identity and sense of "being beautiful just as God made us."  Beginning with our families and then through the culture, society and humanity that we all abide in, our natural God given beauty becomes increasing diminished and corroded.  The vicissitudes and hardness of life and "socialization" soon has us questioning God's creation mandate.  This condition grows, festers and becomes full blown.  It's only by a "rebirth" that we can reclaim and re-establish that we are beautiful again...especially coming from God's point of view.  Reclaiming and restoring our identity and sense of beauty is a process that reasonably takes just as long to rebuild as it took to be destroyed.  This has to be a choice because of the construction of human beings. That is the beautiful design of Man created by God. He gave human beings the distinct gift of Free Will; the ability to choose!  So...coming back to that sense of beauty, with it's inherent power is a choice that one must make along with the many other choices that we have to make about WHO WE ARE.  We choose whether we will be happy or angry and bitter, loving or withholding, a victim or a victor and so on.  I know that some of you may not agree, but I absolutely believe this.  

I started to write about another aspect of beauty today but this is what showed up.  I guess you'll have to tune in for the next one to read it, "Beauty Is As Beauty Does!"   In the meantime....Stay BeYouTFull!


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