Beauty: Weather Report

When most people think about Beauty they immediately think about physical beauty; appearance, looks.  Basically, what they see with their eyes.  Beauty is SO much more than  physical appearance.  If you research  various aspects or definitions of Beauty,  you will often find reference to a "radiance".  Beauty has everything to do with "an aura", "an atmosphere", "a presence", "a field" and most definitely "a Spirit".  Some even say that they actually see the radiant light surrounding "a beautiful person." 
Many of the principles that we deal with as human beings are often so far removed and lofty.  One of my purposes in communicating with you, is to take information and make it practical, functional and useful. So  take note that I will always try to "break it down" or "keep it real".   So let's break this down and put it on the court so that we can understand what the ancients and mystics were really talking about.
What's your atmosphere?  I mean your personal atmosphere.  When people approach you, what are they walking into?  My Pastor says something that I really like, "are you an odor or a fragrance?"   I am not asking for your knee jerk, defensive, logical, superficial response.  For real, for real.... not what "you" say, but how would others (your friends, colleagues, strangers) describe the energy or vibration that they experience (across the board, over time) when they approach you?  Is it beautiful, sunny and bright (positive)?  Is it stink?  Is it negative, gloomy and cloudy?  Is it shaky, anxious, disjointing?  Is it sure, safe, embracing and loving?
Most of us check the weather everyday, first thing in the morning....soon as we get up, we want to know, what's the weather report?  What's it gonna be like today?  In fact, many of us are weather mongers.  We join the media in agonizing over weather conditions that are coming for the rest of this week and perhaps next week.  The point is...what's your weather report?  As you get up in the morning maybe it would be interesting to check your own weather. Are you cloudy & rainy, sunny & bright, threatening a storm or hurricane, thundering and lightening, or hailing?  The difference between the weather we wake up to  and our personal weather or atmosphere is that we can control ours.  We can determine it.  So...what kind of weather do you choose to be?  What is your modus operandi?  What is the atmosphere that folks are gonna be facing when they walk into you on the train on the way to work, at the job, in your home, on the street  or wherever you show up?

Have a beautiful, sunny and bright day today! 
                                   and as always...Stay BeYouTFull!                                  


  1. Yes indeed!Yes indeed. It's important (for me) to "be" the atmosphere of peace, acceptance, and pure love... it is what is aspired for... and when I can't be that for others, God is unfailing in His response from some unsuspecting source. Much love and gratitude for these blogs. CSD:)


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