'BE" Beautiful

One of the smallest yet most powerful words ever spoken in Life is a little two letter word, the word 'BE".  In the beginning, at the very creation of life, God said "let there BE..."  Closely  related, just as small, but nowhere as powerful are the words,  "I" and "Me".  
BE is a call into existence; it brings forth something from nothing.  It is cause; it causes things to "be-come".  Two of the most important BE's ever created  are "human "BE"ings" and "BE"auty.  Some time ago, I observed and understood that the single most important thing in the word and element of "beauty" is the word BE.  Beauty literally and figuratively begins with "BE" and describes a state of being.
Beauty is and has always been captivating, elusive, mysterious and eternally sought after.  I have come to find that Beauty is most evident, most reflected and most manifested as the essence of being that exudes from a person.  It evokes a reaction m others to describe them as "beautiful" or as "a beautiful person."  Some time ago I learned an interesting distinction of identity.  It's call the "do, have, be" distinction.  Some people define themselves by "what they do."  Their value and identity (in their thinking) is based on what they do i.e. their profession.  Who they are, (their value of themselves) is based on what they do for a living.  There's usually a lot of pride that goes along with this.  Oh...I am a Banker, I am a Business Owner, I am a Star, a Celebrity, a Manager, a Fashion  Designer... This type of person relates to himself and others based on their sense of pride and identity in their profession and even "who" they work for.  I work for so and so company...a top brand, well known company like "The Wall Street Journal, some bank, insurance company, entertainment brand or big named celebrity in the media. Their association with the big names, big people, or big businesses gives them great esteem. 
Next there are "the haves"; those that define themselves i.e. their identity, their value, and who they are based on "what they have" i.e their possessions; what they have accumulated or accomplished in material things.  These are the puffed up ones, the bragging, condescending, haughty and proud ones, who think they are something because of what they have.  Oh...I drive a Jaguar, I am a millionaire,  I own a big house with a swimming pool, I....blah, blah, blah!  It's all about what they got.
The last group, "the be's", are those who base their identity on who they truly are?  or more appropriately...Who They Be!  They realize that an identity based on names, titles, associations and things (or objects) is fleeting and meaningless.  The distinction here is qualitative;  one based on qualities i.e.  one's  character, good deeds, reputation, generosity, kindness, love, empathy,  compassion, respect, integrity, and excellence.  In summary, their beauty is based on their "BE" ing the human part of human being.  Their value is aligned within the following order of importance:   who they are being 1) to themselves and others 2) to their families 3) to their communities 4) to the world and finally 5) to the planet.  
Yes...I do believe that the body politic of words, thoughts and deeds desiring  to contribute and make a difference to the human family and the inherent value of these attibutes creates what one would constitute as beautiful or  "as a beautiful person".  The looks, the glamour, the make-up, the new boobs, botoxed faces, clothing, jewelry and other conspicuous accoutrements are counterfeits of beauty and are mere facades.  
Beauty becomes present and evident when "who you are" and "who you are becoming" is a reflection of your highest humanity.  In this vein, even the supposedly "ugly" person seems to exude a certain kind of beauty that is usually baffling and hard to explain.  As the old saying goes, "Beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone!"

Stay BeYouTFull,



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