Beauty...A Love Thang Pt. 2
I remember when I was a little younger, Valentine's Day was such a big deal for me. I had much anticipation and expectation about what I would get, as a symbol of his real love for me. He had better get me something...and not just anything, but something "really" nice...or at least romantic. Of course, chocolates, flowers, a lovely scarf, or a diamond bracelet would be really nice. After many occasions of disappointment (life experience) and some maturity, I got my expectations in check. Guess how? I got myself in check. Somehow or another it seems like I always get back to the "self-love" concept. I guess it's because I really do believe in it. I actually think it is fundamental and prerequisite to any real acquisition of the love you want to see in your life. Let me ask you this question and please think about it). If you evaluate the amount of time and energy you have or continue to invest in the capturing of his/her heart e.g. new outfits, sexy lingerie, fabulous dinners, good sex, porn movies, smell goods, fares paid, bills bailed out, loans, turning your head and looking the other way, lying to yourself, enduring stand ups, confronting the other woman/man, arguments, name a few...I would guess you have expended quite a lot of energy directed out there, toward attracting, finding, or keeping him/her. May I suggest that the same amount of time and energy that you invest out there toward him or her, try investing a good portion of that energy toward yourself. What have you done for you lately? I mean, the real you, not the superficial, glam, made-up, geared up, "representative" that is on the scene. I am talking about feeding your soul, your inner man-woman. How do you nourish that? I could probably make some suggestions, but today I am going to ask you to ponder and reflect upon this and discover it for yourself. You have got to know how to restore, nourish, replenish and LOVE YOURSELF! What gives you Joy, real Happiness and Peace? Find it, identify it, treasure it and build on it! Go to work Lovin' Yourself.. first...and everything else will follow. Now let me say this....That's the good news....The bad news is that this process also has an ugly side....the flip side of beauty. But it is the other side of the coin and is just as important to acknowledge and find balance with. So...perhaps a part of the "discovery process" requires some inner excavation, some shedding, some crying, some pain, some letting go. Whatever you discover, deal with it. There's a saying that goes something like this..'Become the thing that you desire"...if you want Love then BE Love....and to Thine Ownself Be True!
and remember this, I Love You!
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