
Showing posts from August, 2010

Beauty From The Heart

Today we are dealing with what I think is the foundational aspect of Beauty, that is the "heart condition".  The's the most central part of life.  It's the physical lifeline for us as human beings and equally an emotional and spiritual  lifeline in our daily lives.  The Heart is synonymous with the the principle of "Love".  Love and Beauty are two sides of a coin.  The Bible says, out of the issues of the heart, the mouth speaketh.   In a quest to discover and realize "the beautiful life" my first question would be to ask, what is your heart condition?  We bear witness to the fact that we as human beings are "wired" for love.  Without love, we die. Even on a physical level, science has established that deprivation of love for an infant can be fatal.  The condition of one's heart is a mystery that is revealed through how a person lives and mainly how they treat others.  We are taught as children, "do unt...


I want to start out today by stating my basic theme in this blog because I am questioning myself about how my writing is connected to this blog theme.  I gave up trying to put my thoughts in order, but I do know that they all related to my purpose, which is to explore what constitutes a beautiful life?  Creating a beautiful life/style, HAVING a beautiful life and mainly about  BE- ing beautiful! The word that has struck me and always resonates very strongly with me is "PURSUIT".  This may have originated in my childhood because many of the 3 hour movie sagas that we watched always had some kind of pursuit in them.  I guess it was kind of romanticized and mysterious.  I know one romanticized version of the pursuit heavily emphasized  in the movies was usually "a man pursuing a woman" or "the good guy pursing the bad guy".   As an adult  it has been more like a drone around things like "pursuing a career" and more generically, "pursuing you...


In the early 90's the word "BeYouTy" came to me.  Today, I guess I would say this phonetic play on words is characteristic of my personal, God-given, style of writing.  It probably began when God revealed to me the name of my business, "New Bein", which is a double entendre' reflecting the ancient, royal, beautiful and glorious people called Nubians.  I began to pay attention to the roots and components of words and explored within my mind the original essence and intent of words.   BeYouTy is obviously a double entendre' on the word Beauty.  What resonated within my Spirit was the "You" principle.  Based on all of my personal  life experience and my professional experience as a Social Worker for over 15 years, I realized that real Beauty, as I knew it, was based on something much deeper and more complex than the superficial, commercial, ordinary Beauty that I learned within this American / European context.  My experience as a Social Worker...


"BE"!  The word "be" is a small word but it's probably one of the most powerful words on the planet!  When God "be"gan creating the world He said, "let there BE"...(light, water, etc!  So it is a word of creation and authority.  In fact  as God's creations we are called: "human BEings".  And of course the word "BE" is the foundation of the word "BEautiful". "Be-ing" has to do with a state, a condition, a real sense of identity.  The word "Be" as a prefix stands as a command;  Be-ware, Be-hold, Be-have and so on...That is the power and strength of our constitution as people and especially as women.  We are Beautiful.  We all were born beautiful. It is indeed a God given attribute. Somewhere along the road of Life, that original knowledge of our inherent Beauty is stripped away from us by the vicissitudes of life.  We start out as children, innocent, pure and certain of ourselves and who...


When I began my research into the history and origins of Locs, it took me into antiquity.  What an exciting journey discovering all of many ancient and vanishing tribes of Africa and other indigenous people.  Beauty beyond words was what I found.  And oh...what an enigma.  In childhood I was taught in school that African people were uncivilized cannibals who swung it trees in the "Dark Continent".  I was in awe of the creativity, magnificence and wonder of African adornment and fashion (not style).  The beading, clothing, even some of the houses (Ndebele) were exquisite, regal, majestic, vivid, colorful almost  magical.  Indeed it was original; no where else had it been done like this, ever.  The creativity and ingenuity was mind boggling; how feathers, shells, stones, skins, eggs, gold, silver and everything around them was used to create matchless beauty. As I began to synthesize this glorious past I realized that there was very critical c...


Where does your Beauty lie?  Does it lie in the way you talk?  Are you someone who people want to talk to because they know they will be encouraged?  That you will be Truthful with them and yet as gentle as necessary.  Where does your Beauty lie?  Does it lie in your ability to listen to others and really hear what they are saying, feeling and sharing from the the depths of their hearts?  Where does your Beauty lie?  Is it in your generosity?  When you talk to your brother, sister, or friend and "hear" their need, you find it within yourself to offer them something - food, a few dollars, a bed to sleep on, or a shoulder to cry on?  Where does your Beauty lie?  When you walk into the room are you a "fragrance" or and "odor"?  Where does your Beauty lie?  Does it lie in your freedom and openness; your ability to smile and talk to people you meet, even "strangers"?  Is it your  willingness to give a real hug to someone, ...


Wow, it feels really good to FINALLY begin writing.  It has been my hearts desire to write and share my thoughts for a long time.  As the years have rolled by it has become an incessant nagging in my mind, spirit and soul.  Today marks the beginning of the journey of my mind.  It took me so long to begin because I wanted to write "in order".  I wanted to write, but I wanted the writing to follow a script that would translate into a book.  I wanted the topics to all correlate and flow into one continuous movement.  Perfect order!  How funny is that.  It reminds me of a saying that I heard and repeat quite often:  "Man plans and God directs."  You know...while we have everything carefully planned "Life happens"; we get "interrupted" we "go off course".  So, I have put aside my fantasy of perfection.  I will speak to you from my heart and soul.  My heart is so full of things that I want to say to you (and mostly to mysel...