What Is The Music Of Your Soul

Today, during my morning Devotion, I read from one of my favorite books. The author referred to "the Doubter within" as she talked about our inner feelings.  It made me think of our "interiors"; our real selves as human beings; that is, as Spiritual Beings.  A question arose within me, "What is the music of your Soul?"

I know that the Soul is the place in our tri-une Being that represents our Thoughts, Mind and Will.  I speculated that the music of one's Soul must correlate to the tone or quality of one's thoughts. I began to think about my own symphony. If I were to contemplate on the kind of music that my Soul most resonated to, what kind of music would it be? What would yours be? 

Would it be a happy, upbeat tune.  Or would it be a funeral dirge? Would the song of your Soul, that is played most be like the intro to a scary movie... (dum, dum, dum, dummm!) leaving you in a constant state of anxiety, suspense and fear; waiting for something bad to happen. Would your favorite music be a hard, pounding, relentless beat playing like Club music? it doesn't stop, it thumps and thumps, on and on and doesn't allow you to rest? This could be an intrusive, bombarding, stacatto that doesn't allow you any control over your thoughts or that keeps you moving and dancing to the beat of your life. Would it be classical music?  which is both relaxing and soothing, like Spa music, reminding you of the power and beauty of Nature.  Would it be Gospel music, featuring lyrics, harmonies and sounds that keep you in a constant state of gratitude and worship; music that encourages you to see God everywhere and in everything.  Or, would it be Jazz, a kind of cool, bopping tempo; a beat that allows you to easily go with the flow of Life, cruising through its ups and downs.  Maybe it would be a slow or sad song, that has you dragging and moping. A forlorn tune, depressed and longing for something; a relationship, more money, or perhaps a different family :) Maybe it's Hip/Hop, and it figuratively keeps you hopping through your daily grind.

Today, I invite you to tune in to the music of your Soul. If you find that you don't dig the tune, change the station. Choose for yourself what you want to hear and when you want to hear it. For most of us, the flow of our day requires different kinds of music to graciously transition us from one aspect to another. We all have many dimensions to our days.  At the very least, we have a morning, noon and night. We also have the freedom and power to change the station on an "as needed" or "as guided" basis.  It is within in you to know this, to tap into It.

Find what "moves" you through the course of your day. Find what makes you calm and gives you peace. Find what activates you and causes you to produce and generate. Find what allows you to think, to hear your own thoughts. Find the music that causes you to dream and delight; to vision your life. You decide the genre, tempo, and frequency of the music of your Soul. I'm sure that once you tune into what "does" you, you will be able to dance and sing in the key of "your" life a little more!

Loving I Am,
Nekhena Evans


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