A Better Quality Of Life...The Moment!
As I am always reflecting on life, or more so, being "present" to life on a moment by moment basis, the word "quality" jumped up at me; that is "quality of life". I began to think about the fact that we all, every human being on the planet, wants, even yearns for "a better life." We are actually created from deep within to want more, to want better. I wondered, though, "what does that really mean?" Immediately I heard the chorus of humanity, a definite majority say, of course having a better life would mean "HAVING MORE". Unanimously and loudly they said, first and foremost a better life would happen immediately if I had, MORE MONEY! Having more money would SOLVE every problem that I have right now. Hello, everybody "knows" (believes) this! The reality is that we all know (deep down inside) that it's a lie, an untruth. We all know people personally and famously (celebrities and such) who testif...