LOCS…Globally Phenomenal!

Would you believe that in 2015, you cannot find LOCS in a dictionary.The Natural Hair Care industry is estimated at 684 million dollars which purportedly grossly underestimates the robustness of the industry.Some authorities quote figures of 3 - 6 billion dollars in multinational corporations.

LOCS are totally global and it’s not only black people wearing LOCS but people of all races and ethnicities. Yet, it has not been legitimized or fully recognized as a social and cultural reality.Truthfully, LOCS reflect a phenomenon that has caused men and women to fall in love with themselves again.

LOCS have been the most central and controversial of all of the natural hairstyles primarily because of its historical origins as Dreadlocks.  Looking into word origin, we know that “locks” refer to hair as in tresses or tufts; that’s European.  Dread and locks (Dreadlocks), as we know, was crafted into an essentially negative “thing”. Subsequently and consequently, LOCS was re-invented within a “subculture” and has been a sort of “redemption” of the latter.  Now, almost 25 years into a movement and LOCS still haveno formal acknowledgement in mainstream America despite that fact that LOCS are everywhere and are as fabulous as ever!  Today, celebrities in all realms from actors to sports figures, not just musicians and revolutionaries, as it used to be, don their LOCS boldly and proudly.

I remember when LOCS were mocked, ridiculed and considered merely a passing fad. Well, the numbers and the popularity of LOCS tell a different story.  LOCS have infiltrated every stratum of society, socio economic class and racial background. One day LOCS will get the proper recognition that it so righteously deserves. In the meantime, natural hair lovers will continue to flourish exponentially until it finally becomes accepted that LOCS, glorious LOCS ain’t going nowhere! For more information check here:- http://www.newbein.com


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