In the course of living, as we go through trials and tribulations, our Soul speaks to us.  It is a presence, a knowing, a conversation between I and I, the knowing that you have within you.  In these times, when you have been questioning yourself, wondering, pondering, perhaps even agonizing over something…there is a part of you that Speaks… It is moving…it is dancing…it it trying to shake something off.  It is giving you an answer…telling you what is right and what is wrong; what you should actually do.  You get the answer….you know the answer…because it speaks, it tells you…either in secret but out loud…you have a “soul scream”.  Now you are at the moment of Truth.  You must choose. Make a very important decision; to say Yes or No.  To make an agreement that is integral and in alignment with your Soul or one which is contrary to it.  The vote has been cast, it’s already a fix because the Soul carries much weight.  It leans…it burdens…because it is for itself.  It is trying to protect itself.  It is you and it wants to protect you.  Will you betray it?  Disown it?  Act as if you don’t hear it?  Look past it, silence it, turn on it?  It is pleading with you not to.  But…in the end it’s on you.  Do you defy your Soul…your essence and pretend that that which is unacceptable to it, destructive toward it, apprehending it, gets a pass; like you sit there passively allowing things and people outside of it to have their say…have their way… at your expense.  ‘Cause there is a cost…your integrity, your self-worth, your dignity, your possibilities…perhaps even you life.  Today, it says I implore you, do not ignore me, act as if I don’t exist, act as if you don’t hear me…screaming, crying and begging for your honesty; your alignment with me.  You see…you and me are one.  I am you and you are me.  I am the deepest reflection of you.  See me,  hear Me,  but most importantly, HONOR ME.


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