CHARACTER is Welcome!
One of the foundational aspects of Queenliness is “Character”.  The word “character” today has become quite lame and impotent.  It is part of an ancient vocabulary that spoke of things like nobility, honor and chastity.  It has been reduced to a noun, a thing and not a verb; something active that describes a way of being and living, like Love.  It’s been reduced to a dramatic personality, even a cartoon caricature.  In truth, it is a very powerful principle, a foundation to stand on and the very substance upon which your life is built. 

Your CHARACTER  is who you are.  It is your personal Constitution; who you say you are that is written upon your soul.  It is your Integrity, your Honesty, your Convictions – what you stand for.  It is deep like a river, not a light flowing stream.  It issues forth the quality of your Life.  The question is not “what character you are” like what’s the character you are “acting” “presenting” or “staging.”  It is the essence of who you are, like, what distinguishes and defines you as yourself, different from other people?  It requires thought and delving into because it is the unspoken part of your “self”.  In the midst of living,  it is part of your everyday life; the decisions and choices that you make in every situation.  It demonstrates,  reveals and discloses what is in your heart.  It is the center of your actions.

Queen, what is your character?  Or are you just “a character”.  One is a “having” and one is “who you are being”.  Wise people endeavor to engage, discern and discover their Character i.e. what they are made of, what constitutes them, what the foundation is upon which the whole of them is built.  It is an absolute must for those who intend to possess, utilize or wield power.  If one is to be a Creator, a Ruler, an “authority figure”, or even “a Voice”, it is prerequisite that you know “the stuff” that you are made of.”  The ingredients of your character must be deciphered and understood within yourself first and then you are qualified to speak to others.  Only then can you be a ruler (steward) over your “Subjects”;  those who have chosen you or have been assigned for you to “reign” over. You can have authority over others when you are standing on the foundation of your Character but… you must first take and have authority over yourself and your life.  This allows one to choose the direction, course and ultimate outcome of their life.  There’s a commercial that says “characters are welcome” but the real question is “what is your character? Especially when you choose to wear the Crown and carry the title of “Queen”! Drama Queens, false, fake or “wanna-be” Queens are not one of the characters in the Queendom. “Real Queens have journeyed into the pursuit of divining their unique and true Character.  Real Queens “ARE”! Queen “BE”!


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