At the ending of one year and the beginning of a new, like most, I take stock of the past year and "vision" toward the new year.  On the 1st day of this New Year, I spent the day, contemplating and reflecting; trying to come up with the basic themes of the year.  I came up with: The Year of "S". The one "s" word that characterized it most for me was "STUNNING!"
My year was Stunning in that God blessed me in ways that I "have" imagined. I started to say "could not have imagined" and caught myself. was as if God shouted out loud to me and said, "I have heard your prayers and the desires of your heart and I will Bless you!  So, I was able to create a most beautiful environment in my home, and travelled far twice.  The first "I deserve to getaway" trip (which I planned) was to St. Thomas.  I had a lovely time and even did something on my uncreated "bucket list"; I water trekked in the deep beautiful ocean.  Beyond that, I got the trip of a lifetime (which I did not plan, God did!), I went to the Holy Galilee, Jerusalem & Bethlehem and walked all the places that Jesus walked.  I am totally humbled and honored that God created a way for me to have this transformational experience.  My life will never be the same.  Before this (the Glory) however, He started me on an assignment of "putting EVERYTHING" in order in my house. I mean literally, room by room, item by item, clean up, throw out, clear up, upgrade and bring a "new world order" to your entire space.  Of course I underestimated the depth of this monumental assignment  and thought I would be done quickly.  Let me just say...I am in the last phase of it now...almost a year later. This was the mandate for me to complete before going into the next phase of my life's work. . Indeed the steps are "ordered" and Faith without works is dead!
Now, we know that there are always two sides to everything, so the Stunning had both "the good" & "the bad" sides. When "other stuff" started happening  I actually recognized it because I understood that as surely as the blessings come...the attacks and attempts of the "other one" are sure to follow. other "STUNS" had to do with the unraveling of my family at it's nucleus and  "separation" from a few long time and dear friends.  Of course it was very dramatic and emotional but let's keep this part brief.  I think you understand the exponential magnitude of close relational fallout!
Principly and fundamentally, this is the moment of Truth that we all face.  It's not what life does to us, but how we handle it.  So I started looking at all the "S's" that I would work out in the upcoming/new year.  I decided that I was NOT going to deal with "Sadness" ,"Shock" &  "Separation". My Spirit called out "Sanctification".  I was like, wow!  What is sanctification? A setting apart, a calling out from, being designated for a God ordained purpose, being "anointed" and "consecrated".  I like this...I feel this....I choose this.  I refuse to mourn over realities that God has "allowed" to happen, because he wants me to learn and discern a few things.  Sometimes it gets hard and your humanity goes, but WHY? I DON'T UNDERSTAND? and it's okay to have this reaction because it's human and it's normal BUT soon & very soon you better pay attention, get the lesson...get the revelation, so that you can graduate and move on to where God wants to take you. 
In 2013, I will continue to live in the "S" realm, but it will be more like: sanctified, satisfied, secure, sacred, & sassy; rather than separated, sad, solemn, sucky...sinning or whatever other "s" negatives you wanna add. 
Today...this year I am A "SHINING" BEING...full of hope, wonder, and the fulfillment of God's promises.  I'm getting my inheritance... and I recommend that you go get yours!


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