QueenNe Spirit: Foundation: Peace

I often find myself  amazed these days that I see the elements of Life coming down to seemingly a few basic principles.  As I prepare to write and share with you, I think to myself...you must sound like a broken record.  The same precepts keep showing up when I consider, what are the fundamentals of Life? especially as it relates to Beauty.  Being a stand for living a "beautiful life/lifestyle" and examining what constitutes one, there seems to be a few essential components.  Out of all of these, the primary principle that comes up again and again for me is "Peace."  As I view it in the context of beauty, I come up with this example quite often.  Foundation i.e. make-up.

I don't wear foundation anymore.  I really was never big on make-up.  But as with most women, I have had my seasons of experimenting with make-up, moreso as a young woman.  I am fortunate to be blessed with great genes from my mom so I have always had "good skin."  You know the sayin'..."Black don't crack."  I know that a lot of women today, still apply foundation as a central part of their make-up regimen.  It's actually interesting that the term "foundation" was given as the basis of "make-up" because we know that everything is built on its foundation.  On the continuum of Beauty, I believe there are other things that provide "the foundation". 

In my mind I have distinguished levels that constitute degrees of Beauty if you will.  It goes something like this- from the lower to the higher levels.  In the infancy stages:  adorable and cute i.e. as a baby/child.  Next you work on "be-coming" attractive, fine or even gorgeous as you are an adolescent/young woman discovering your beauty.  As you become a mature adult/woman you become more secure in your identity and focus more on beauty from the "inside/out"; your inner beauty.  This represents a certain depth of "Being".  At this level, you know that being radiant, healthy and clean from the inside will manifest itself as Beauty".  When you sit firmly in this place long enough you are no longer "becoming" beautiful.  You are beautiful, you feel beautiful and the world acknowledges it as such.  Strangers i.e. men and women, both young and old. bear witness to it and will walk up to you and greet you, and tell you that you are beautiful very often.  At this level of Beauty; you carry it, you exude it, you are it.  Now when people begin to call you  "Queen" that's even a whole 'nother level.

I believe that "Peace" within your Soul and Being is the source that creates true Beauty. 

I'll say more about "PEACE" the next time.   In the meantime,,,Stay BeYouTFull!


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