New Beginning: Nekhena

I am declaring the beginning of the next chapter in the book of my life.  I decided after my last show on Memorial Day Weekend to finally stop going.  I am taking myself off the road; I am not planning to do anymore hair, trade, cultural, or jazz shows in town or out of town.  I am stopping. really work on what I believe God wants me to do.  Earlier this year I got a revelation from God to speak and to write.  It has been ruminating in my soul every since.  But like most keep going and going and don't follow the instructions until you feel you are ready or comfortable.  I do understand mentally that change is usually uncomfortable.  Stopping yourself in motion and being still is probably one of the hardest things that we must do as human beings.  At the same time that I have been conscious of the possibilities that lie ahead and even feeling excited about them most of the time, I do discern the spirit of fear that always accompanies it.  Whenever you choose to walk into the unknown, it is always scary.  We all pay lip service to bravery and courage, but honestly, I recognize that the thing that usually keeps us in the holding pattern is nothing more or less than fear.  Psychologists have said that it is either the fear of success or fear of failure.  I am leaning toward the feeling that it is more insidious and apt to be more fear of success than failure.  What's on the other side is Trust and Faith (in God).  I mean real trust and faith.  When I look at the fact that I have been an entrepreneur since 1994, I have not received a salary or paycheck from any source, since then, I absolutely bear witness to a life of faith and that God is my source. Entrepreneurship is a continual act of Faith.  When I am centered in that and  I feel myself having doubt or fear about how I am going to make it, the truer voice inside of me asks, how many times has He (God) brought me out, taken care of me, and provided for me.  That quiets and keeps me for a while.  But being Human, it's only a matter of time before I soon forget.  
I am making a public declaration today, a part of which is starting my writing journey here again.  I know that I am blessed with many talents and abilities gifted to me from God.  I am going to stand on those Gifts and move forward trusting Him all the way.  I am the product.  It's not what I can buy to sell, or even create.  It is me and what he has placed within me.  I will manifest that which is inside of me. Interestingly enough, I was having a conversation with a man that I met last evening and he made this wonderful distinction present for me.  He talked about how from the European perspective we tend to look at things linearly.  We all know the left brain vs. the right brain kind of thinking; ie.  linear vs circular thinking.  But he stated, it really is knowing that everything is from the inside out.  European thought he said has you thinking, you did this to me so that is why I am..... He declared that there is no You doing anything to me, but what is occurring out there is reflecting what is coming from within.  Wow...and the tagline to my business for at least a decade was, New Bein' transforms from the inside out!  We've heard that a million times from many beauty and health entities.  I also heard it from the biblical truth, that says "the kingdom of God is within."  So... let the journey begin.  I may stumble, I may fall, but I will get up, dust myself off and keep on gettin' up and movin' forward.  One of the themes that I hear myself saying and living into is, that I am not interested in taking all of the knowledge and wisdom that I have acquired these 50 odd years to the grave with me.  I want to share it and help somebody if I can.  This is only because of the love, mercy and grace that I have received in my Life.  It's there for all of us! and as always, Stay BeYouTFull!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hello beautiful Black Sister. It sounds like you're at a point of transition in your life. The world and the universe is also experiencing that transition. It is time to come home to the Dohgon.


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