Ode To A Woman

As it is now Women's Herstory Month, my mind has been inquiring on what's in my heart to speak to women.  I am a woman.  I absolutely love being a woman.  When I think about all of the women that I know and love...even those unknown personally but in Spirit...my heart overflows.  As I seek the words to acknowledge, praise and honor Women, it seems insufficient.  There is a Glory, a Phenomenal...ness, a Power, a Strength, a Knowing, a Beauty, a Loving, a Caring, a Resilience, a Spirit that walks through us so profoundly that it transcends language.  I have come to realize that most  of us  take for granted what is present;  especially those who abide with us on a daily basis; our parents, our loves ones, our lovers, our friends.  Not until "the absence" of that someone, do we become appreciative of  who was right there before us.  She is the one who has been there for us,  who keeps us, holds us, loves us unconditionally, secures us, stabilizes us, encourages us, and dares us to be more than we are.  THIS IS A WOMAN.  One who beckons us to our Greatness - our fullness!   Wise...full of intuition and Spirit...transcendant - able to go beyond life's circumstances and situations. Empowered, seeking to grow more, be more, have more, want more.  Yes...we are the "emotional" ones, who sit and talk in our undeclared Sister (healing) Circles; on the telephone, one on one, at a party, in a club, at a meeting, in church or at a school.  Girding ourselves and others up with pearls of wisdom, words of comfort and encouragement, Prayers,  Love, Kindness and Caring.  By and large this is who we really are.   The underside of the belly of the beast IS NOT who we really are. Many want to focus on the lesser of our being, We are  NOT the bitches, haters, heartless, gold digging, promiscuous, dangerous, vicious ones, who suck the life out of others like vampires. We are the GLORIOUS ONES who maintain our beauty, our health, our homes, our communities, our children, our parents and our men.  We are the unstoppable ones, who will walk and go the distance until we accomplish what we set out to do.  WE ARE LIFE.  We are the only ones that God has chosen to bring Life into the earth realm.  Even after the Holy act of Birthing (a human being, an idea, a vision) we continue to nurture, love and provide for it  until the end.  Our beauty, our femininity, our grace, our smell, our look, our feel, our happiness, our joy, our smiles are bigger than the Universe.  It is everlasting... It holds and sustains the world we live in.  Yes... it is indeed and honor to be born a woman.  Today, I praise and honor every woman on the planet.  You are a Gift!  and I Love You!


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