GENESIS: Your Beginning
There is one thing that anyone would want in a time of emergency like when there’s a “blackout” - that is, a “generator”. A generator turns on the power and sustains a source of light and electricity sufficient to run everything within your home. Most of the time, we go through our daily lives and only think about a “generator” when disaster or an emergency strikes. This is much akin to how we live our personal lives. What are you generating? What do you generate on a daily basis? There is a living power source within all of us which is available for us to tap into every day of our lives. As human beings we have the ability “to generate” the kind of life we want to live. We express this primarily in how we think and speak; our thoughts and words. These in effect create our reality. First thing in the morning, when you arise, what do you generate? What are your first thoughts? Are you a subject or a victim of whatever sh...