One of the smallest yet most powerful words ever spoken in Life is a little two letter word, the word 'BE". In the beginning, at the very creation of life, God said "let there BE ..." Closely related, just as small, but nowhere as powerful are the words, "I" and "Me". BE is a call into existence; it brings forth something from nothing. It is cause; it causes things to "be-come". Two of the most important BE's ever created are "human "BE"ings" and "BE"auty. Some time ago, I observed and understood that the single most important thing in the word and element of "beauty" is the word BE. Beauty literally and figuratively begins with "BE" and describes a state of being. Beauty is and has always been captivating, elusive, mysterious and eternally sought after. I have come to find that Beauty is most evident, most reflected and most manifested as the essence of being that exud...