For sure, the wearing of HAIR ACCESSORIES was born right after Eve put her loin cloth on. I am guessing that she grabbed some flowers, of course the most beautiful one’s ever, and wrapped them into a stunning floral wreathe around her hair! As I think about it, all of the Greek and Roman Goddesses wore them. From Queen Elizabeth’s diamond brooch hairpins, to the Crown of Nefertiti, and the wreath of Diana, every glorious culture on the planet wore fabulous HAIR ACCESSORIES in their crowns! Today HAIR ACCESSORIES are an absolute must for every woman and girl. Perhaps it’s because a woman’s hair has been identified as her Crowning Glory that we instinctively have the impulse to glorify our crowns. No longer do we want HAIR ACCESSORIES just for special occasions, or for stature, we want HAIR ACCESSORIES for everyday style. We used to tie our hair back with things from nature like rope and string. Rags transitioned into kerchiefs and scarves,especially when doing “woman’s wo...