Beauty Speaks & LISTENS

Recently I was sharing something with a friend and I began to "hear her listening". It caused me to stop talking. As I was processing what happened it made me think about LISTENING. The ability to hear is a gift from God. As one of our primary senses, we often take for granted the privileged listening that we enjoy; music, children playing, the wind, each other voices, and so much more. Obviously, one important part of appreciating this gift comes through our relationships; basically, when we speak to one another. I excused myself from the above mentioned conversation partly because I felt my friend was getting caught up on the peripheral details of my story. I find that this is pretty common these days. Most people are not listening because they have too many questions to ask (while you are talking to them). This could be either because they are intent on listening and they want to make sure they understand you or more often than not, it's bec...