Just Call Me Madam...

MADAME CJ WALKER As an Entrepreneur, you become somewhat isolated. Once you take yourself off of the plantation, you no longer have the throng of people that you work with. It definitely is a great contrast to the job scene. I had to take my 10 year old granddaughter "Heaven" to her performance for Black History Month at her school and it made me think. I realized that as an Entrepreneur, I don't get a lot of the social components of "having a job" i.e. office parties, holiday parties and events. I really did appreciate seeing all of the children remembering their roots and performing at Heaven's Elementary School. It truly warmed my heart. Since then I was thinking about what I have to say about Black History, especially since I am in entrepreneurial solitude now. I then realized, I AM BLACK HISTORY. I created NEW BEIN' Enterprises, a business whose clientele are primarily Black People. I stand firmly and squarely on the shoulders...