Yesterday I had a wonderful visit from a Sister who came to the New Bein’ Showroom in Brooklyn to buy New Bein’ Hair Care Products. She had read my book ( Hairlocking, Everything You Need To Know) and it inspired her. She had been contemplating starting Locs and had done extensive research. What a Divine visit. This young Sister was intelligent, spiritual, and very self-aware. She spoke quite poetically about her “hair journey” up until this point (she’s in her mid 30’s). Some of the things she said really struck me. She said she was “the dark one” in her family (even though she’s really like caramel toned). Everyone else was "light-skinned". She had really thick, long, black beautiful hair though, so she was acknowledged for her hair. She said she realized at a young age, that her hair was her “identity” (wow…!) As she got older she recognized that she had lived and bought into this, even as far as the men she had attracted i...