
Showing posts from September, 2010

Character and Beauty

I'm back...Been wanting to talk about "Character" for awhile.  Character is a very interesting word.  When I think about it, for most of my life "character" was really trivialized.  The most referred to meaning of character related to someone acting out and being highly noticeable.  It conjured up images of outlandish, often rude, dramatic, weird and crazy people.  We have been socialized to this negative  and exaggerated definition of  character.  The word character in television was only spoken about in stuffy English movies, in legal battles i.e. defamation of character, or in politics i.e. the assassination of one's character.  This  is quite imbalanced and erroneous. With maturity, I have learned about the other side of "Character" (with a big "C").  The definition of character is:  "the combination of traits and qualities distinguishing the individual nature of a person or thing" "moral or ethical quality" ...